Thrifted Small Vintage Glass Bottles

 Happy Thursday Everyone!

How is your week going?

 I've been going into thrifting withdrawal. 😩

Not that I was thrifting much before lockdown, but now when I want to go and can't, I am dying to go.

 There are so many things on my want list at the moment. With everything closed and not being able to travel far from home, thrifting is almost impossible. I've made a few online purchases, but it's not the same and a lot more expensive when you have to pay postage costs as well. 

When we eventually open up again I'll be hitting the thrift stores for sure. 😊

Today I'm sharing one eBay purchase I made recently that I absolutely love.

These adorable little vintage glass bottles! Aren't they just the cutest things ever! 😍

They were advertised as an assortment of bottles and they are perfect for blending into my decor. 

This one even has the maker on it from Sydney, NSW!

And these little ones with the rusted lid and cork stopper! 😍

I'm still trying to decide where to put them all, but I'm sure they will work perfectly with my farmhouse decor.

I'm expecting a few more packages in the next few days and I'll look forward to sharing those too!

Take care and stay safe,
